When You Think You're Hot But
The Internet Thinks You Just Look Like Something That Came Out
Of A Chicken's Butt
File This Under When Poultry
Is Your Inspiration


This has not been Rihanna’s year. A greedy, manufactured artist designed to be cutting edge, but is full of hype and copyright infringement, has seen her career implode this year, with audiences turning on her over stealing other entertainers work and trying to pass it off as her own, as well as snorting cocaine on camera (for the second time).

Internet memes abound for
Rihanna's dress, labeling her unfashionable
Things have gotten so bad with Rihanna's career even her record label is busy sending her back to the recording studio after three ill-received music singles. The poorly received and highly laughed at Met Gala dress is the latest misstep for drug addicted alcoholic Rihanna who just can't seem to get it right.
Beyonce Stole Credit For Bootylicious
And Mary J. Blige Sued For Stealing Song