Chris Brown's post on Instagram
about the break-in by a stalker
Crazed 21-year-old stalker, Amira Kodcia Ayeb, broke into the rented Los Angeles, California mansion of 26-year-old singer, Chris Brown, vandalized his home and cars, then sat on his stairs naked whilst waiting for him to return home from Las Vegas, Nevada. Brown called police and she is being held on $50,000 bond. Ayeb, a student from Tunisia, who has been studying at a university in Houston, Texas, removed the hinges from Brown's door and gained illegal entry into the property.

Chris Brown's adorable baby
daughter Royalty Brown
Ayeb made herself several meals in Brown's kitchen and scrawled "I love you" on the countertops. Ayeb sprayed the words "I love you" and "Mrs. Brown" on interior walls. Ayeb also unconscionably threw out Brown's 10-month-old daughter's clothes and vandalized her crib. Ayeb further threw out items for Brown's dogs.

Chris Brown came home to find
stalker Amira Kodcia Ayeb sitting on his stairs naked with
towels rapped around her
Brown stated, "I get home and find this crazy individual in my house. She had broken the hinges off the doors. She found time to cook her several meals. She wrote 'I love you' on the walls. She threw out my daughters clothing as well as my dogs stuff. Then had all these crazy voodoo things around my crib. She painted her name on my cars!!!! I love my fans but this is some on some real real crazy s---! I pray she will get help."