Saturday, November 16, 2013

Herpes And Cocaine Found On Library Books

50 Shades Of Grey Germs

Scientist in Antwerp, Belgium tested 10 of the top library books in circulation and discovered items such as "50 Shades Of Grey" contained traces of cocaine and the herpes virus. It was to be expected that trace items would be present on books being shared by a number of people.

That's why it is important to wash one's hands throughout the day. Hand sanitizer is also very useful. Hopefully the aforementioned news about the books won't put people off reading as libraries are wonderful places of learning.     


Herpes Virus Found on Library Copies of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

15 Nov 2013 - Two Belgian university professors recently decided to submit the 10 most borrowed books at the Antwerp library to bacteriology and toxicology tests. Traces of cocaine were found on all 10 books.

The traces were small enough that readers would not feel the effects, but significant enough that they could test positive for cocaine. But the real case of life imitating art was revealed when the scientists discovered traces of the herpes virus in the pages of the erotic tale Fifty Shades of Grey.