Rihanna looking depressed wearing a necklace Chris
Brown gave her last year. It doesn't even go with what she's wearing.
Brown went back to his other girlfriend, model Karrueche Tran and the two have been looking very happy together in photos. Rihanna, however, has been looking sad and depressed, sulking around Hollywood. She has been encouraging her family and fans to attack Tran online.

The Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown
The mere fact Rihanna is wearing the necklace Brown gave her is an indicator she misses him and wants him back. When a woman is over a man, the things he gave her become obsolete in her life. She doesn't want the reminder. When a woman is through with a man, she doesn't wear the jewelry he gave her. It's like when some women wear their man's shirt in his absence as a way of having him close while he is away. Rihanna wearing the necklace Brown gave her is a woman clinging to the past and wanting it back.
As stated on the site previously, Rihanna has been inquiring after Brown in Los Angeles wanting to know what he does, where he goes and with whom. She's sending out feelers about him. This coupled with wearing the necklace pictured above, begs the question is Chris Brown paying attention to her hints or is he too busy canoodling with Karrueche.
Rihanna Wears Gold Necklace Believed to Be From Ex
Chris Brown—See the Pic!
RiRi sported the same gold necklace on Christmas Day 2012 when the couple spent the holiday enjoying a Lakers game together in L.A. A few weeks prior to their Christmas Day outing, Rihanna shared a topless photo of herself wearing the gold necklace on Instagram with the caption, "He told me ‘you better not give it away.'"...