Sunday, September 8, 2013

Man Arrested And Charged With Spreading HIV Had Sex With 300 Men Knowing He Is Infected

David Magnum

David Magnum was arrested and charged with knowingly infecting people with HIV, who he met on the internet. It is estimated Magnum had unprotected sex with at least 300 men in Texas and Missouri. In Missouri, the legal penalties for such misconduct is far greater than other states and could carry a sentence of life in prison. Currently, it is illegal in 37 U.S. states to knowingly infect others with HIV. It should be illegal in every state and nation. It would help to curb transmission rates.

Many people still believe they are invincible and HIV and AIDS could never happen to them, when it can happen to anyone. Time after time, the Judiciary Report has witnessed people engage in reckless hook-ups on social networking with people they do not know and go on to publicly brag about having casual sex with, risking their lives.

It is not a badge of honor, but one that should cause concern over a dangerous lifestyle. Social networking is great for interacting with others and some legitimate romantic relationships have stemmed from them, but nonetheless, dangers exist that people need to be mindful of in every way. Condoms sometimes fail.

Just so, hooking up with random people one had just met in public increases one's chance of contracting HIV and other STDs. You do not know other people's true sexual practices, especially someone you've just met. Do not endanger your health and very existence over casual sex. Nothing can take the place of a monogamous marriage between two loving people.