Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meningitis And The Immune System

Meningitis (Photo Credit: iStock)

Meningitis is a disease that continues to shock and surprise scientists worldwide. The recent virulent outbreak in America, originating in a contaminated lab, killed 34 people and sickened 490, via three tainted lots of steroids. The medical lab was described as "filthy." In a past article the Judiciary Report did stress the importance of lab safety and cleanliness.

The Judiciary Report is of the belief, people who’ve battled the dangerous disease meningitis still have traces of it in their system and it affects their immune system. The remnants thereof can lead to tiredness, fatigue and even malaise, symptoms that can even be confused with other medical conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

One’s immune system is a key line of defense against something as simple as the common cold to more complex viruses. Therefore, for those who've had meningitis, strengthening the immune system as naturally as possible, has health and wellness benefits and will make a difference to how you feel and your energy levels