Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kim Kardashian Shouldn't Be Making More Money Than Honey Boo Boo

Here's Why... 

Honey Boo: Kim is not fierce like me, ok!

Honey Boo Boo: Kim wishes she had my swagger!

Honey Boo Boo: Even Elvis would approve!

7-year-old reality star and beauty pageant contestant, Alana Thompson, also known as Honey Boo Boo is making a reported $10,000 per episode for her show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." While reality star Kim Kardashian is making millions for her show. Kardashian shouldn't be making more than Boo Boo. 


Kim Kardashian (Photo Credit: Splash)

First of all, most of Kardashian's money is going straight into her butt, via silicone enhancement therapy, to make her backside look like the state of Texas. However, my homegirl Honey Boo Boo has legitimate expenses. Tiaras and Chicken McNuggets do not buy themselves. That money has to come from somewhere. McNuggets do not grow on trees!