Saturday, October 20, 2012

Joe Biden Criticized Over His Laughter During A Cancer Sufferer's Speech About Surviving The Disease

Vice President Joe Biden's case of the giggles happened again, after his unusual bouts of laugher during the vice presidential debate against Paul Ryan. During a speech by a brave cancer survivor, Biden began talking and laughing in the background, causing the audience to be distracted and react. This lead to the cancer survivor stating, "What's he doing back there." Oh Joe.

Biden livens up woman’s cancer survival story with his “inappropriate laughter” shtick

4:49 PM 10/19/2012 - During the VP debate, we all saw how much fun Joe Biden had when Paul Ryan said such silly things as “Iran is trying to build nukes” and “Obama isn’t a very good president.” He had himself a grand old time. And now we see him pulling the same shenanigans on one of his own supporters...“What’s he doing back there?” He doesn’t know. Fortunately for Biden, he’s not a Republican and therefore this doesn’t matter. Move it along, people.