Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama Democratic National Convention Speech Panned By Critics And Ties With Reality Show 'Honey Boo Boo'

Obama's Boo Boo

Barack Obama

Critics across the board have panned U.S. President Barack Obama's Democratic National Convention speech as lackluster and boring. Even former President Bubba, Bill Clinton, failed to give him a boost, as polls reflect Obama's speech went down in flames. This was an important engagement for President Obama, but his speech writers did a very poor job, which led to him being savaged by critics.

What's ironic is, Clinton, a man that understands economics and is America's most successful in this regard, essentially had to go out there a lie about Obama, in a failed bid at helping a fellow Democrat president, knowing full well he would not have undertaken the now failed economic measures and policies the current president so unwisely implemented, when the Judiciary Report honestly and correctly stated from the start of his presidency that he need to do the very opposite.

The Judiciary Report stated nearly four years ago in an open, published article to Obama featured on the site, that he needed to cut the government's budget, implement a small tax increase on the rich, be frugal with stimulus money, keeping tight reins on who receives funds and what they do with it, demanding they properly account for it or  go prison (I believe in crime and punishment, because that's the only thing criminals understand).

Barack Obama

Looking back now, years later, the Judiciary Report's aforementioned, Library of Congress copyrighted articles that have been online for years regarding this subject, have been proven 100% correct. America has spent more money that any president in U.S. history, running up the deficit to record heights of debt with absolutely nothing to show for it. The nation is being crushed under the weight of business closures and foreclosures that happened under his term.  That is your legacy now and you were warned.

I have an IQ of 160 and have authored more copyrighted music and filmworks than any individual on record. I've also developed forthcoming patents on the diseases cancer and AIDS, with the goal of helping sick people. Therefore, I am not an idiot. I joke around at times on this site, but I am nobody's fool. You've screwed up and royally so. People need to stop sugarcoating that or the problem, the economy, will not be fixed following the Obama Administration's illogical line of reasoning.

I wrote the aforementioned economic articles for a reason and as site statistics for the Judiciary Report reflect just about every branch of the Obama Administration has been reading this site daily for years, it's too bad they didn't listen, because millions are suffering under their spend your way out of debt policies that have failed (which in itself is an oxymoron). You didn't start this crisis that I sounded the alarm on in 2006 on sister site the Sound Off Column (How George Bush Destroyed The U.S. Economy), but you have made it infinitely worse and I have no confidence in the Obama Administration.   

Honey Boo Boo

In closing, on a sad yet hilarious note, the reality show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" suffered a ratings decline and still managed to match the numbers of the Democratic National Convention. I have no words for this...other than if she could vote, who would 7-year-old, spray tan wearing, chicken McNugget eating, purveyor of beauty pageant wisdom, Honey Boo Boo, vote for in the 2012 election. But I digress, here's what the critics had to say regarding Obama's speech:

CBS’ Bob Schieffer: “It just didn’t have that spark.”

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “A lot of stuff we’ve heard before.”

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie: “An excitement gap between the president’s speech and Bill Clinton’s last night.”

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Certainly not among the best he has ever delivered”

National Journal‘s Ron Fournier: “Why Obama’s Speech Fell Short”

Tampa Bay Times editorial: Obama’s wish list lacks action plan.

BuzzFeed‘s Ben Smith: “Oba-meh”