Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pollster States If The U.S. Economy Does Not Improve Barack Obama Will Lose The Election To Mitt Romney

Barack Obama

Prominent pollster, Scott Rasmussen, of Rasmussen Reports has stated on the record, if the U.S. economy does not improve by November, the date of the next U.S. election, President Barack Obama will be voted out of office, in favor of experienced businessman, Mitt Romney.

Rasmussen told Newsmax, "In a way it draws back to Ronald Reagan’s famous comment, ‘Are you better off than you were four years ago?’ Four years ago, in the fall of 2008, 43 percent of Americans said their finances were in good shape. That fell to 35 percent by the time Barack Obama took office. And it’s down to 33 percent today. If that number does not improve, President Obama will lose his job. There’s simply no way an incumbent president will be re-elected if people are feeling a little bit worse off than they were four years earlier.”

Mitt Romney

The Judiciary Report has stated this from day one of Obama's presidency. Some may have interpreted it as being a naysayer, but it's just a simple fact of politics. If you can't improve a nation's financial and social circumstances, it does not matter where you are in the democratic world or how much people like you as head of state, you will likely be voted out. 

This is why the Judiciary Report also warned very early against the excessive spending President Obama undertook upon taking office, knowing it would not work (Obama Calls For Job Summit). In times of financial turmoil, you can't spend your way out of debt. It requires sacrifice and discipline, in the form of government budget cuts and a small tax increase on the rich, the people who will feel it least. Obama did the opposite on both counts and four years later the economy is still struggling and people are suffering. 

Barack Obama

Removing the criminals from the corporate sector is vital as well. They are not contributing to the corporate sector, just ripping off hard working people via fraud and financial scams that need to go. The bad seeds need to be removed from the field, because they are ruining the whole crop.