The World Turning On Madonna

Hypocritical, deluded pop lip-syncer and thieving
criminal Madonna, has been slammed by the Russian Deputy Prime
Minister, Dmitry Rogozin, for interfering in their nation's politics,
questioning their country's free speech laws.
Rogozin referred to her as a "moralizing slut" and "ex-prostitute." He's
not the only one displeased with the depraved trollop or calling her a
slut. There were also threats
by a terrorist regarding her recent Russian concert.
This comes weeks after Madonna was sued
and slammed by
French politician Marine Le Penn for defaming her during a concert in
France (Madonna
Loudly Booed At Her Concert And Called A Slut And Whore By The Audience).
The one time star is engaging in desperate publicity and attention seeking
acts, because her career is over, her tours aren't selling and people all
over the world are
walking out on her pathetic shows (The
Public Walks Out On Madonna's Show In London Branding It The 'Worst Concert

No one wants to see that.
Cover it up. You are embarrassing yourself.
Madonna is also a deranged, devilish hypocrite, to be
slamming politicians over lack of free speech laws. Madonna arrogantly and
criminally pays hackers at the hosting company for to wage
confirmed "denial of service" attacks against the Judiciary Report website,
attempting to block people from reading it. Her paid hackers also waged hacks designed to erase
articles contained on the Judiciary Report, move and reroute web links and
deface the the site, as it exposes her illegal conduct of criminal
copyright infringement and emailed
death threats and racial slurs. It hasn't help Madonna or her
cronies one bit, only offended and inconvenienced my millions of readers,
also known as individuals apart of the music and film buying public (hence
all your flops).
She is the last person that should be speaking about free
speech, as she and her stupid Kabbalah cult
are constantly and criminally trying to deprive the Judiciary Report of
that right. But Madonna's a media whore. Any hot topic or trend and she
insanely jumps on the bandwagon without looking, desperate for attention.
She could care less about anyone but herself.