Justin Bieber: Timberlake who?
Justin Timberlake, 31 is planning a return to the music
scene after a 6-yaer hiatus, where his new, younger, prettier rival, Justin
Bieber, 18, took over. Timberlake lashed out against Bieber on the NBC television show "Saturday Night Live" upset the youngster had
replaced him on the pop charts.

Justin Timberlake: I'm going to get the little
pipsqueak Bieber Boober for this!"
Bieber's mentor, Usher Raymond, was similarly copied by
Timberlake years prior. I can't help but think Raymond did this
deliberately, but Timberlake doesn't see the humor in it. His third solo
album, after his departure from boyband NSYNC is expected shortly.
Timberlake Slams Justin Bieber: Put A Wig On A Chipmunk And Train Him To
Act Like A Black Man