Kim Kardashian
Rumors persist that reality star, Kris Kardashian Jenner,
brokered the deal for her daughter's infamous sex tape with rapper and
R&B singer, Ray J, as a platform to fame. I don't understand how she
could sleep at night. The Judiciary Report is all for turning lemons into
lemonade, but Jenner's conduct does not qualify under the category. That's
like pimping out your child. The average mother would be mortified.
Fame is not worth losing one's dignity and self-respect.
At the end of the day, people do not take the Kardashians
seriously in any fashion. Even talk show host Barbara Walters was taking pot shots at them
during an interview, labeling them untalented.

Kris Kardashian Jenner and Kim Kardashian (Photo
Credit: Fame Flynet)
Kardashian has also felt the effects of the poor choices she and her mom
made in this regard. She has been in relationship after relationship with
rich and famous men, with all of them ending in disaster, due to the inner
turmoil in her life, due to being a porn star. It's evident she is not
Most people that get into the porn industry do so because
they are broke or their dreams of becoming an actor or actress did not
materialize, so they opt for the quick buck to support themselves, but at a
very high moral price. However, the Kardashians have been rich for many
years. They lived in luxury when patriarch Robert Kardashian was alive and
head of household. When Kris Kardashian married Bruce Jenner, they
continued to live lavishly. There was no excuse for this. Fame is not a
good reason for pimping.