Saturday, August 18, 2012

Calvin Klein's Young Ex-Boyfriend Who Is A Third His Age Is Doing A Tell All


Nick Gruber and Calvin Klein

I've been meaning to get around to this article for months, but each time I forgot. Now that it has been announced, former bisexual porn star, Nick Gruber, aged 22, is doing a tell all about his ex-boyfriend, designer Calvin Klein, 69, titled, "What Came Between Me and My Calvin" I think this is as good a time as any.

First of all, the book title is dead wrong. Secondly, dude, you are the male Anna Nicole Smith. You dated and had sex with a man old enough to be your grandfather. Your parents could not be happy about it. He was using you for your youth and you were using him for his money and connections. Not cool. I hope God will touch your heart and give you new direction, as the path you are on is going to end in disaster.