Friday, July 20, 2012

Sylvester Stallone Disputes Son Died Of A Drug Overdose But Others Disagree

Sage Stallone

TMZ is reporting that large, pharmacy quantity pill bottles were found in the home of Sage Stallone, the son of actor, Sylvester Stallone, who died last week. The site also states white powder was found in his home that was either cocaine or crushed Vicodin pills, which addicts have been known to snort.

Sage Stallone, his mother Sasha Czack and Frank Stallone in the 1980s

The 36-year-old, who got his start in his dad's film "Rocky V" allowed a friend to use his Los Angeles home for a photo shoot and the entire crew concurs Stallone was out of it, giving the appearance he was high on something. A police source also revealed to TMZ, the younger Stallone's room was in a bad smelling, terrible state, with beer cans and food strewn everywhere, as he'd lock himself away in his living quarters for days at a time - something addicts often do. 

Sylvester Stallone and Sage Stallone in "Rocky V"

Sylvester Stallone denies his son was using drugs and has hired private investigator Scott Ross to piece together what happened. The Los Angeles Coroner's office is awaiting toxicology tests, as the autopsy performed on Sage was inconclusive, an occurrence often seen in overdose cases.