Friday, July 20, 2012

Do Immigrants Have Equal Rights In America

Not According To The Kabbalah Center


Do immigrants have equal rights in America. The law says yes, but some, like the Kabbalah Center, state no via their violent actions and speech. When a sick cult, led by a thieving, vile pop star, Madonna and others such as actress, Demi Moore, sends a black immigrant hateful, racist emails using the n-word and threatening acts of violence and arson based murder, with the backing of the FBI, it says immigrants do not have equal rights in America.

When the aforementioned cult, can criminally and brazenly rob a black immigrant of a fortune in preexisting copyrights, then audaciously send emails and messages threatening to "skin" said immigrant alive, with the complicity of the government, it says immigrants do not have equal rights in America.
When the aforementioned bully cult can engage in criminal misdeeds to force the immigrant out of America, sending threatening messages and missives demanding the immigrant "go home" (another slur) after living in America for nearly three decades, says immigrants do not have equal rights in America.

According to one of my credible, truthful sources, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, who is a known racist, took a bribe from Madonna to stonewall and cover-up the case that was reported to them, as apart of the News Corp phone hacking scandal (Rupert Murdoch's Trusted Confidant Rebekah Brooks, Her Husband And Four Other News Corp Employees Charged In The Phone Hacking Scandal and Rupert Murdoch's Right Hand Man Andy Coulson Arrested For Perjury In The Phone Hacking Scandal). News Corp's Rupert Murdoch is in Madonna's Kabbalah cult (Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal)

When bribe taking jurists in the legal system in possession of company stock and other items from lawbreaking defendants, can go against established law (see: the Copyright Act, Lanham Act, Berne Convention) and criminally aide thieving, lazy pop stars in stealing preexisting Library of Congress registered copyrighted material from a black immigrant, it says immigrants do not have equal rights in America. 

When a group of lawbreaking stars and their flunkies in the aforementioned Kabbalah cult, can go around harassing, threatening and abusing friends and family of the immigrant, from the same diaspora, in deplorable violations of the Civil Rights Act, it says immigrants do not have equal rights in America. No one should be subjected to such harrowing, heinous human rights abuses and extraordinary risks. 

In short, there's crime all over the world. But when the government, whose responsibility it is to stop crime, chooses to engage in corruption and obstruction of justice to back the high profile criminals and at the expense of immigrants, who are often considered the most vulnerable in society, it says human rights in America have been destroyed. It is a great risk starting a business in America as a foreigner/immigrant, because if one's rights are violated, the legal system and the government will fail. If you were an immigrant in said situation, facing all the aforementioned abuses and injustice, how would you feel? What would you think? What would you do?