Jacqui Ainsley and Guy Ritchie at the London premiere of
Batman's "The Dark Knight Rises" by Warner Bros, a studio he
works for as well.
It's no secret in the entertainment industry that
54, did not want to divorce ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, 44 and did all
of things in trying to keep him. She pulled every stunt in the book
trying to hang on to a man that did not want to marry her in the first

Jacqui Ainsley and Guy Ritchie
When he wouldn't abandon his then girlfriend, Tania Strecker,
Madonna struggled to get pregnant and almost lost the baby. Strecker
went on to marry into a billionaire family, the Rothchilds, while Ritchie
was stuck with thieving

Madonna and Guy Ritchie
Ritchie fled the marriage, which was Madonna's third and
began living in sin with model Jacqui Ainsley. She is a woman Madonna
despises, even more than Strecker, as Ritchie chose her, without being strong-armed
or coerced into marriage, by a desperate pop tart, who deliberately trapped
him via pregnancy and promises of untold wealth and fame as a
director. Ritchie has since been sued for every film he has made, with
serious allegations of theft and copyright infringement (just like

There are people in the entertainment industry that believe Guy Ritchie
deserves every bit of the divorce settlement, for having to have slept with
that deranged looking, unattractive thing pictured above, known as Madonna
Of course, crazy Madonna has convinced herself that Ritchie
loves and misses her, but it certainly doesn't look like it. Case in point,
pictures of Ritchie and Madonna revealed him looking angry and miserable.
However, whenever Madonna was away, Ritchie would go out in public with a
big smile on his face. Very telling.

Madonna (LOL)
Meanwhile, Ritchie has been living in luxury with
Ainsley, who is pregnant again and their son, born last year, using
the money and property from his divorce settlement with Madonna. It's
clear who got the short end of the stick and the first three letters
in her name spell "mad" as in crazy.