Can You Say Lawsuits

Chris Brown's injuries
Police are currently involved in the case of the
bottle throwing fight between singer, Chris Brown, rapper Drake and their
respective entourages. Brown
and his bodyguard Big Pat sustained lacerations to the face/head.
Brown is an instigator that can't keep himself out of trouble, as there
have been two other club incidents this year regarding him getting into
some confrontation.
Since the time of the fight, reports indicate Brown has
spoken to the police, stating Drake and his friends started the fight.
However, it is also being stated by others that Brown's friend utter a
death threat that set the men in Drake's group off, prompting them to
initiate the skirmish, via throwing bottles.
The floor of the club was covered in glass and innocent
bystanders sustained injuries that required medical attention, such as
stitches. In short, Brown and Drake can expect lawsuits and they deserve it
for being troublemakers. The club may sue as well, over the men bringing
violence and discord into their establishment, thereby causing damage to
their property and reputation.