Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Obama Administration Is Busy Calling People's Mothers

Obama Is Desperate To Win The Election

Barack Obama

When I spoke to my mother on phone a couple days ago, she told me someone she knows called her over the telephone in a strange call about the Judiciary Report, on behalf of President Obama. The call was in reference to the fact I have written articles critical of him that are not in support of his reelection campaign. Apparently, God gave them the right to an opinion and the Obama administration has arrogantly decided God gave them the right to mine as well.

This misconduct of people inappropriately and in some cases illegally contacting my family and friends has been happening repeatedly and is emanating from Obama's FBI, whom I sued in 2009, under the Freedom of Information Act, regarding the criminal theft of my copyrights and illegal invasion of privacy from individuals in Hollywood (phone hacking case).

I was the first to break the story about the Rupert Murdoch/News Corp phone hacking case through my websites. I had also reported Kabbalah members Madonna and Rupert Murdoch, in addition to his companies News Corp and its subsidiary News International, to the Metropolitian Police in London, in a case that has since yielded 46 arrests. However, the FBI being thoroughly corrupt, arrested no one after I filed the criminal complaint, though many former News Corp employees and victims have since come forward stating they too were phone hacked, hacked, wiretapped and robbed of valuable copyrights.

Regarding Barack Obama, I'm not voting for him, as I sent him a letter in 2009 about the ever escalating criminal misconduct and harassment in the phone hacking and copyright infringement case, which has been threatening my very life at the hands of lawbreakers in Hollywood and he looked the other way to it. In fact, Obama even invited the Kabbalah Center criminals involved the case, such as Harvey Weinstein, to the White House. Greedy, vile Weinstein knowingly and illegally put out several of my preexisting copyrighted films without my permission or payment, in conjunction with known industry thief Madonna.

Madonna and Harvey Weinstein, who was personally invited to the White House by President Obama and frequently exchanges emails with him, by his own admission.

Obama's complicity in this matter, via extending impunity to criminals in Hollywood who are his campaign donors, empowered said lawbreakers in Kabbalah to think they could do worse to me and nothing would come of it, such as emailing me violent death threats over my copyrights they stole calling me a "nig*er" among other racial slurs in said missives. Yet sell-out Obama is championing these very same people from the White House (so stop trying to pull the race card on me, because I call pull it as well and question why he and his administration, who have come up in this website's site statistics as daily visitors, have allowed a group of white Hollywood stars to terrorize and savage an innocent black woman that did them no harm).

In a particularly disgusting incident since the time of the letter to Obama about the case, the Kabbalah Center in Miami, who thinks black people are slaves to be robbed and abused, sent one of its despicable members to communicate hateful threats to me from Madonna and he tried to sexually assault me on a public street in Miami. The fact that Obama has two daughters and allows high profile criminals in Hollywood to run loose and go on to do such a horrible things, speaks volumes about his lack of character. Why would I vote for a man like that or tell my millions of readers to vote for him.

I think Obama and his administration are corrupt. In 2009, Obama's FBI and DOJ, criminally violated the Freedom of Information Act and engaged in obstruction of justice, denying me FOIA documents on the aforementioned case, in support of a cover up to protect thieving Hollywood criminals, who are too stupid to write their own work, so they've made a criminal habit of stealing other people's copyrighted property (here's one example of many regarding the case). Once again, why would I vote for a man like that or tell my millions of readers to vote for him.

 FBI Director Robert S. Mueller has run the FBI into the ground and frequently lied to Congress

My mother is an elderly woman, who has Guillain Barre and also began struggling with heart problems over the past three years, due to the criminal misconduct and illegal harassment that occurred due to the aforementioned case, regarding phone hacking, computer hacking and criminal copyright infringement. They have harassed us no end. In fact, my mother was rushed to the hospital twice after two acts of criminal harassment occurred, stemming from the above mentioned case and was hospitalized overnight on both occasions. Cardiologists and nurses on call did not like the fact her heart rate had become so elevated and would not decrease back to acceptable levels (it poses the risk of a massive heart attack).

However, so desperate and unethically are they, these people had the gall to get someone to contact my mother a few days ago, harassing and distressing her, over a narcissistic, money wasting, spendthrift administration, who clearly has too much time on its hands to be doing such questionable things on government time and the taxpayer's dime.

Regarding the people involved in this incident, are you willing to accept responsibility in God's Eyes if something happens to my mother, due to your criminal harassment. That's a rhetorical question, as the Bible says God sees all people as equal and will not show preferential treatment or deference to those in government and those acting on their behalf, for harassing and distressing an innocent elderly woman with a heart problem. For them to have even done so regarding my mother is the definition of ugly - and to God sin is sin, no matter who commits it. God addresses it all impartially, regardless of those on the offending end. God says in the Bible "you reap what you sow" as He brings justice in this world (some call it "karma").

My mom said she felt threatened by the incident (government wise). What kind of thug administration is Obama running, distressing an old lady that has done him no harm. You have to be one of the worst administrations in U.S. history, desperate, irrational and willing to stoop to any low.

Furthermore, who contacts someone's mother, especially someone's elderly mother struggling with medical ailments at that, with an administration's harassing, offensive, whining and complaining comments about a website, constitutionally covered by free speech and free press. How juvenile and pathetic. How old are the people in the Obama Administration? 12? Grow up already.

There are thousands of websites and message boards saying things about your administration that makes this site look tame by comparison. I tell you what, why don't you just shutdown the whole internet, that way no one will say anything about you that you do not like, thereby preserving your massive ego.


Barack Obama and his ego

When most people become adults, like logical individuals they understand that people are entitled to their opinions, even if it differs from the views of others. Why the Obama administration never learned this is a mystery. God and the law gave me the right to free speech and free press, yet a Stasi administration has unconstitutionally decided otherwise. How arrogant and ugly. Who are you to try to deprive anyone of that human right. You need to be voted out, as you are dishonoring the foundation of law in America - the U.S. Constitution. You are disgracing the office of the presidency with this dictatorial, tyrannous behavior from your administration.

However, this all goes back to what I contented in the aforementioned case, there is an extreme arrogance in the government and among its benefactors in Hollywood, who operate under the illegal precept that others do not have any rights and they can commit any form of human rights abuses and illegal inhumanity against people. It's a very ugly trait in anything venturing to call itself a human being and unequivocally a massive sin in God's sight.

I hope it puts into perspective for the nation and the world the kind of unbalanced people they are dealing with in the Obama Administration. The nation and the world needs to see what the administration is like - unhinged, petty, vindictive, hateful narcissists that can't take lawful criticism of their questionable conduct and failed economic policies. For an administration to be harassing and bullying a person and their elderly mother, over the right to peacefully hold and express an opinion covered by free speech and free press is despicable and disgraceful. It tells the world all it needs to know.

The aforementioned conduct is a criminal offense that is a felonious misuse of the FBI and U.S. taxpayer money (it's foolishness like this why the U.S. deficit is so high and productivity so low - the Obama administration is too busy screwing around on the internet and calling people's mommies). Any administration that has the time to play around while proverbially speaking, "Rome Burns," has too much time on its hands and is not focused on the economy, which is in tatters. It's all the proof I need to know they should not be in office. They need to be voted out of office unto their corrupt backsides.

Any administration that would be juvenile and crazy enough to have acquaintances call someone's mother, like they are 12-year-olds on a playground telling on someone, is not fit for office. That is some preschool rubbish right there. Is that what you do when world leaders say or write something you don't like, call their mommies and tell on them (LOL).

I absolutely will not under any circumstances be voting for Barack Obama for President. End of story. His administration is full of corruption that I have seen with my own eyes. To reiterate, as it is abundantly clear some meddlesome people just don't get it, the Judiciary Report DOES NOT ENDORSE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES AND FROM THIS POINT FORWARD NEVER WILL. Now pick up that phone again and make another call like that to my mother and see what I am going to write next. 

Barack Obama

SIDE BAR: Obama has been outed in the mainstream media as using the IRS to harass politically outspoken people who disagree with him, much like former President Richard Nixon was found to have done before he was kicked out of office. Prior to this revelation, the Judiciary Report made the same claim against the Obama administration.

Recently, litigation was initiated against the Obama administration for this illegal practice and criminal misuse of the IRS. I have found this claim to be true. Since Obama has taken office, my family has been mysteriously audited every tax year, a first in the 30-years we lived in America.

First they claimed we owed thousands of dollars, then after irrefutable proof was presented revealing their claims were false, the IRS mysteriously withdrew the claim and massive tax bill they had issued. However, now they are refusing to issue the refunds owed over the past four years, coming up with every single excuse under the sun, putting us to great trouble and inconvenience, sending them loads of documents and faxes they requested.

Every single time we meet their criteria in what is requested to receive the refunds, they shamefully move the goalpost once again, coming up with something else (it's been going on for over 3 and 1/2 years). Such conduct tells the world the Obama administration is corrupt and vindictive, incapable of doing the right thing. Once again, why would I vote for a man like that or tell my millions of readers to do so.