Romney's Rise, Obama's Fall

Barack Obama
Something has gone wrong with President Barack Obama’s reelection
campaign. In 2008, Obama raised so much money in what was a grassroots effort
gone mainstream, the Democrats financial tally was huge. However,
Republican rival, Mitt Romney and the GOP, have been raisin more money than
the president this time around. Obama's noticeable decrease in campaign donations, coupled with
Romney, a man who
was considered an underdog, raising more money than Obama, is an indication
that the public is not happy with the president.
Obama needs to look himself in the mirror and do some soul searching. He
needs to ask himself in his mind and conscience, has he taken the right
path in Washington, because many no longer feel that way. Give credit where credit is due,
Obama started off fairly
well, with talk of cleaning up the corporate sector and Washington, but by
year two, they got their hooks into him and he made an about face that has
led to failure.

Mitt Romney
What the Judiciary Report honestly advised
Obama do from day one was and
still is correct: cut the government’s budget leaving non-essential
projects for better financial times, raise taxes on the rich (a
small 5%
increase) and clean up the corporate sector. This was doable, but
Obama chickened out. Instead he decided to spend America’s problems away
when a nation is already in debt, that never works.
All the progress made during the Clinton years, which lead to huge
financial surpluses in America, was wiped away by the significant spending
of former
President George W. Bush and made terribly worse
by Obama’s $5 trillion dollar check writing skills. This is truly
lamentable, but you can lead a horse
to water…