Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Healthy Financial Balance

...And How The Very Rich Destroyed It For Everyone

President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush  

The world once had a healthy financial balance. In the 1980s and 1990s, things were still pretty good in the world of economics. The current financial crisis, which began in America and then gripped the globe, due to the corporate sector having been deceitful with investors, regarding the true value and projected growth of their products and investments, in addition to engaging in thievery, marks an historic attempt by the rich in society to greedily own it all.

There is a terrible elitist attitude among many of the very rich in the nation, who are ripping off and gouging the middle class and poor, that only they should be wealthy. They try to hold people back from moving up in the world, as they want to stop others from prospering, like they have some exclusive patent on wealth. Such conduct is despicable.

They have become obsessed with numbers and bank balances. As a result, they threw off the national and global financial balance in the world, determine to increase theirs in any dishonest manner they can. This unholy greed and avarice that has consumed the rich, has brought America and the world down, in this unyielding financial crisis, which will be shamefully remembered for generations to come, in a disgraceful story taught in schools as what not to do. 

This elitist criminal conduct is also very unwise, as there is only so much the people will take.  The Judiciary Report is not trying to instigate violence, but sounding the alarm to the government that they need to get their act together, because historically speaking, when things have reached a certain point in world history, people react. When people can't keep a roof over their heads or feed their families, they react. People hate suffering, especially situations brought on through no fault of their own (getting laid off or robbed).

Stop shielding financial fraudsters and high profile criminals continually breaking the law to get rich and richer, as it is causing America to get poorer and poorer. Even with all the stealing and gouging that was done by the rich and those seeking to become so, America has never been so poor, meaning this criminality is setting the nation backwards, not "forward" (Obama's new slogan is, well, "forward").

Why should millions of people suffer because of a few hundred rich thieves, fraudsters and schemers, too lazy, covetous and overindulgent to get real jobs and accept the fact the world is not their oyster for the taking stealing. Learn from world history or things will not end well.