Eric Holder
U.S. Senator John Cornyn sensationally called for the
resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder by stating, "It is more with
sorrow than regret and anger that I would say that you leave me no alternative,
than to join those who call upon you to resign your office.
Americans deserve an attorney general who will be honest with
them. They deserve an attorney general who will uphold the basic standards of
political independence and accountability. You have proven time and time again,
sadly, that you’re unwilling to do so. I’m afraid we have come to an impasse…
you have violated the public trust, in my view.

Eric Holder and Barack Obama
Holder responded, "With all due respect, there is so much
factually wrong with the premises you started your statement with. I don’t
have any intention of resigning. I heard the White House press officer say
yesterday that the president has absolute confidence in me. I don’t have any
reason to believe that in fact is not the case."
It is very alarming that President Obama continues to express
confidence in a murderer, who illegally trafficked guns into Mexico from the
Justice Department (DOJ), leading to the deaths of two U.S. Border Patrol agents
and hundreds of Mexican civilians. Ethically and politically, this is a very bad
move for Obama that will cost him votes.