Justin Bieber
Many websites and music lovers have been stating, Justin Bieber's new
"Girlfriend" song and video, rip off the earlier work of singer Justin
Timberlake and his former boyband, NSYNC, released 10-years prior. Timberlake
had it out for Bieber long before the copying surfaced and I am told is secretly
seething at what has transpired with the teen star's new project. However, due
to entertainment industry politics, will Timberlake bite his tongue or try to
bite Bieber's head off.

Justin Timberlake
Bieber has effectively replaced Timberlake on the pop scene, as the new
prince of pop and is now using his music and videos to finish him off. I don't
know about you, but if Timberlake and Bieber fight, for once the Judiciary
Report will not be taking the high road and will publish any videos or photos
emanating from the beatdown (just teasing).