Accused Of Slurring Hispanics

Sharon Stone and one of her adopted sons
The nanny accuses Stone of defamation as well. Stone became resentful Elemen earned overtime. Stone referred to said overtime as "stealing." The actress also forbade the nanny to read the Bible in her home. For a member of the Hollywood cult Kabbalah, that fancies itself the illuminati, with members worshiping the devil, that's like kryptonite, which makes them jump out of their skin, as the phrase goes.
Stone also had the gall to complain about the nanny obtaining "disability" and "workers compensation" after departing the post due to the dispute, claiming she is now "looking for another opportunity to cash in" with the lawsuit. That is rich coming from Stone, a soft porn actress, who tried to steal millions of dollars in loaned jewelry.
Stone wasn't just looking for a payday to "cash in" when she did that, she was looking for the payday in trying to steal from a famous jeweler, after they graciously loaned her the expensive baubles to wear to the Academy Awards. Most stars return the jewels after the show, but not Stone. She decided to be greedy, which is customary in Kabbalah, by pretending the word "loan" meant "give/gift" and refused to return the jewels, prompting a massive lawsuit against her.