Brown's Bad Behavior

Chris Brown
Singer and felon, Chris Brown, has been behaving like a pimp, illustrating he
is over fake singer Rihanna. The New York Post wrote of an incident where he was
spotted in the Haze night club in Las Vegas, Nevada, buying bottles of Champagne
for three women and trying to take them home with him for sex. This is a regular
practice for Brown, which is dangerous to one's health.
However, in this instance, Brown was thrown out of the night club for trying
to engage in violence, when they women left his table in favor of other males in
the club. Brown, ever the hotheaded bully, tried to start a fight with one of
the males at the table the women moved to, in getting away from him, ruining his
plans for the night. Club Haze "confirmed there was an incident involving Brown"
and issued the following statement regarding Brown's bad behavior, “Haze has a
zero tolerance policy for violence.”

Rihanna (Photo Credit: Splash News)
A few months ago, Brown was in another incident outside a Miami night club,
where he was leaving with two women, while three fans tried to take his picture.
Brown cursed at one of the fans taking his picture with her mobile phone,
snatching her $600 iPhone with the photos of him and drove off, which
constitutes felony theft. As usual, the U.S. Attorney's office in Miami, is
trying to cover up the crimes of a celebrity, in not pursuing charges, though it
is in the public interest to stop such menacing criminal behavior.