Will He Have An Eddie Murphy Moment Doing So One
Day (LOL)
Chris Brown chatting up a daisy duke shorts wearing
woman on the street
Chris Brown is always trolling for women in his
vehicles. That's when he is not snatching phones from women on the
street, while in one of his vehicles. The R&B singer and convicted woman
beater is always on the prowl looking for women, which is dangerous, as
one can catch a serious STD in doing so.
Eddie Murphy
Years ago, comedic actor Eddie Murphy got himself into a
real pickle in the same manner that was not funny (well, it was funny to
television personalities who made jokes about it). Murphy was driving
down a Los Angeles street known for prostitution and gave what he
thought was a woman a ride. Turns out it was a transvestite. Police
moved in on them and it created a huge scandal.