Friday, April 27, 2012

Tyrant Charles Taylor Found Guilty Of Heinous Human Rights Abuses And War Crimes

Former Sierra Leone head of state, Charles Taylor, has been found guilty of war crimes in the Hague. Many were butchered and killed under his regime, as a means of controlling the masses. An example of the brutality that existed under Taylor includes, a civilian being killed and disemboweled, with his intestines stretched across the street, used as a security checkpoint. These displays of violence were to serve as warnings to innocent citizens that dare do other than what Taylor demanded of them.

Taylor seemed surprised at the guilty verdict and let out a small sigh of disappointment. His trial featured testimony from high profile people, such as supermodel Naomi Campbell. Taylor mysteriously gifted Campbell with what is known as "blood diamonds" during a visit to the African nation. The jewels were delivered to her hotel room by a man working for Taylor, who handed the valuable gems to her in unadorned cloth.

Taylor was also accused of looting and squandering his nation's natural resources and wealth. He is expected to be incarcerated in Britain for the aforementioned crimes against humanity. It is regrettable that Taylor's time in office turned into a bloody reign. Human rights abuses cannot be tolerated anywhere in this world. We may all have different borders, but at the end of the day, we are all members of the human race and deserve to live peaceful lives, free of violence and tyranny.