Monday, April 23, 2012

Stand Your Ground Double Standard Leaves Black Woman Jailed In Domestic Violence Case

Marissa Alexander

Mother of three, Marissa Alexander, could spend the next 20-years in prison, for defending herself during a domestic violence dispute, where her husband assaulted and threatened to kill her. Alexander alleges her husband lunged at her during an argument in their home, pinning her against the wall, while attacking her for trying to leave him. She states she pulled out her gun in self-defense and shot at the wall once. No one was shot during the incident.

He ran outside, contacted the police and told them Alexander shot at him and his two sons from another relationship. Alexander now faces two decades in prison on three counts of "aggravated assault with no intent to harm" and was denied bail or permission to use "Stand Your Ground" as a legal defense. 

George Zimmerman murders underage teen Trayvon Martin on a public street, enrages the nation and the world, yet quickly receives bail. What is wrong with this picture. There is something wrong with the justice system. It is protecting the criminals. Too many cases are showing it is corrupt and biased.