Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obama Administration Loses Legal Case Against Peaceful Prolife Florida Woman They Targeted

Ordered To Pay $120,000 In Penalties

Barack Obama

The Obama administration lost a case against Floridian, Susan Pine, who is a pro-life campaigner that peacefully works as a sidewalk counselor, to offer women alternatives to abortion. The Obama administration is famously pro-abortion, which is regrettable.

"Without evidence of wrongdoing" Attorney General, Eric Holder, dragged Pine into court, seeking to bankrupt her with thousand of dollars in fines and injunctions (someone should issue an injunction barring Holder from the Department of Justice that he has plunged into utter disgrace and disrepute).

Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama

The Obama administration lost the case and has been ordered to pay $120,000 for violating Pine's rights, abusing and twisting U.S. law for political purposes and to cover her legal fees, over 18-months of litigation. Once again, Holder has engaged in appalling conduct.

When he is not getting U.S. Border Patrol agents and Mexican civilians killed in the "Fast and Furious" scandal, via illegal guns he traffics to drug cartels in criminal violation of the law, he is attacking and abusing innocent women who are trying to help others avoid the emotional pain and heartbreak of abortion. I've stated it before and I shall state it again, Holder is going to cost President Obama plenty come election time in November. 


Obama Admin Forced to Pay $120K After Targeting Pro-Lifer 
4/2/12 12:54 PM - The Obama administration has been forced to pay a pro-life advocate it targeted with a lawsuit $120,000 and it has dropped its case against the Florida woman helping women find abortion alternatives. The administration lost one round of a legal battle it is waging in court against a Florida pro-life advocate — a battle that saw the administration unfairly seek to punish a peaceful sidewalk counselor under a law meant to stop violence and intimidation.

Susan Pine is a sidewalk counselor. She counsels women who are considering abortion and provides help, resources, and support for women who choose life. Without any evidence of wrongdoing, Attorney General Holder accused Pine of obstructing the entrance to an abortion clinic in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (“FACE”).

Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice had sought to levy thousands of dollars in fines against the pro-life activist as well as seeking a permanent injunction banning her from continuing her faithful 20-year ministry outside an abortion clinic in West Palm Beach, Florida.