Saturday, April 28, 2012

Christians In Korea Protest Planned Lady Gaga Concert Resulting In Ban Of Concertgoers Under 18

Christians in Korea at outdoor prayer meeting

Christians in Korea have been protesting a planned concert by occult singer, Lady Gaga. They cite her lewd videos and demonic imagery as reason the concert should not take place. Lady Gaga has also bragged about her cocaine use in interviews, which set a very bad example. 

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is very anti-Christian and disrespectful of the faith. Even her parents, who are Catholics, have publicly stated she has mental problems. Artists promoting such negative imagery and destructive lifestyles should not be celebrated. 

Lady Gaga sings she is in love with Judas, the man that betrayed Jesus Christ

Look at what happened to Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston after years of drug abuse. They died early from industry vices. Addiction is a real problem and not one to be promoted as something good or desirable. As a result of the protests, the government of Korea have banned people under the age of 18 from attending the show. However, protestors want the show cancelled altogether. 

Korean Christians aim to stop Lady Gaga's "pornographic" show 

SEOUL | Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:24pm EDT  - Christians attend a prayer meeting against the concert of U.S. singer Lady Gaga, in front of the Olympic stadium in Seoul April 27, 2012. Christian groups called for a boycott of her show, which they say promotes homosexuality. 

(Reuters) - Christian groups in South Korea called on Friday for pop icon Lady Gaga to cancel her concert here saying it was "pornographic" and promoted homosexuality. South Korea's government has already bowed to public pressure and banned under-18s from attending the 26-year old's concert, but protesters gathered outside the venue said that was not enough. 

"Some people can accept this as another culture but its impact is huge beyond art and debases religions. Even adults can't see her performance which is too homosexual and pornographic," said Yoon Jung-hoon, a reverend who organized the "Civilians Network against the Lady Gaga Concert."