Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Justin Bieber Could Be Hit With Lawsuit Over Twitter Phone Prank Gone Wrong

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber after a night of underage drinking at a Florida bar

Famous 18-year-old singer Justin Bieber, is in legal trouble over a prank gone wrong, which could cost him some cash. Bieber thought it would be funny to post a telephone number, one digit short, on his Twitter page, telling his fans "Call me right now." It didn't occur to him they would guess the missing number.

Bieber did not think of what would happen if his fans called the telephone number...and thousands of them did, annoying a real couple in Texas named Dilcie and Kent. The calls have been occurring on an hourly basis. As a result, they are threatening legal action against Bieber for the annoyance and inconvenience of the non-stop calls.


Justin Bieber Threatened with Lawsuit Over Reckless Tweet


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