Michael Jackson
The recently convicted former doctor of Michael Jackson, has added insult to injury in a documentary about the singer that aired this week on NBC. Dr. Conrad Murray, who is currently in jail in Los Angeles, California, on involuntary manslaughter charges in connection with the singer’s death of a pharmaceutical drug overdose in 2009, revealed embarrassing details about Jackson.
Jackie Jackson and Michael Jackson
Murray insultingly stated in the documentary, "The bedroom that he slept in I had to persuade him, eventually to have it cleaned. He peed the bed. It did not smell good. It was mildew, and I had to get it clean. Who would ever believe that a man his age would still be wetting his bed?"
Conrad Murray found guilty of involuntary manslaughter this month
He was probably peeing the bed because you were drugging him up. When people are too doped up and drowsy to get up and go to the bathroom, that will happen. You supplied and administered ridiculous amounts of drugs to a man struggling with substance abuse. You bear responsibility in this that you refuse to accept.
Conrad Murray being led away in cuffs
Furthermore, why did you have to take it there about the bedwetting. It wasn't exactly a compliment. Why did you have to disclose that to the public and embarrass the man in death. I think that is highly unprofessional. What happened to doctor patient confidentiality.
Michael Jackson allegedly wet the bed
Conrad Murray Found Guilty Of Involuntary Manslaughter In The Death Of Michael Jackson
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