Michael Lohan's most recent mug shot
Michael Lohan, the dad of Hollywood train wreck, Lindsay Lohan, was arrested for stalking and harassing ex-girlfriend Kate Major, after beating her up once again. Lohan again defied the restraining order the court imposed against him for this abusive behavior. If you remember correctly, Lindsay Lohan was accused of stalking her ex-girlfriend, Samantha Ronson (Lindsay Lohan Lies About Stalking Sam Ronson).
The entire Lohan clan is in the mind numbing Hollywood cult Kabbalah and due to their deranged conduct, the whole family should qualify for great rates at psychiatrists offices, as it is clear they are all insane and severely so. They are seriously dysfunctional and mentally imbalanced.
If someone doesn't want anything to do with you, why stalk and or keep trying to contact them. Why trespass on their property. Why follow them everywhere. It looks absolutely crazy to normal folks, but people with mental illness make excuses in their minds to justify the unjustifiable.
Then they try to pain their victims as the victimizers, which is just as sick as the illegal stalking and harassment. Learn to leave people alone. There are no allowances under the law for stalking, harassing, menacing, assaulting or trying to kill others. It is completely criminal.
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