Thursday, June 23, 2011

Supreme Court Throws Out Walmart Sex Bias Lawsuit

As the Judiciary Report expected, the U.S. Supreme Court, has thrown out a sexual discrimination lawsuit against retailer Walmart, brought by its female employees, who are struggling to make the same promotions and pay as male counterparts.

As published here three months ago (Walmart Sex Discrimination Lawsuit At Unsympathetic Supreme Court), the Judiciary Report did not like Justice Scalia’s sarcastic and unsympathetic comments about the case, leading the site to believe, he was going to spearhead the charge to shoot down the legal petition.

This week it was announced, the lawsuit has been thrown out. Scalia is once again, defying the purpose of having checks and balances in a nation, when he sways court cases among the justices and even installed a president, as he did with Bush in 2000 (look it up, he is credited with pushing the other members of the court to rule the presidency belonged to Bush, not Gore).

Once again, the Judiciary Report’s statements regarding the Supreme Court and Federal Courts, routinely siding against everyday people, many of whom have been terribly victimized, in favor of large corporations, has been proven correct.

It’s a pity, because if the Supreme Court and Federal Courts as a whole, had shown some integrity and backbone over the past few years, the 2008 financial crisis would not have unfolded as it did, having been halted in the court system. Instead, what the nation and the world saw, was the aforementioned courts waving through outrageous and egregious conduct by wealthy criminals robbing and defrauding the public.

There is well-documented evidence illustrating that a number of credible cases went through the courts, alleging serious financial misconduct by Wall Street corporations and ponzi schemers, such as Madoff and Stanford, but were corruptly thrown out, in favor of rich criminals that lined their bank accounts, at the expense of the middle class and lower income people.

However, they did this to their own detriment, because when financial calamity strikes a nation, the court system inevitably suffers as well, due to loss revenues and after a while, diminished importance, lighter case loads and layoffs. When people lose faith in the court system, they also turn to alternative legal services to arbitrate their grievances.