Monday, May 23, 2011

The World Did Not End On May 21, 2011

As stated in the May 15, 2011 article, The World Is Not Going To End On May 21, 2011, it did not. The false prophecies of Fred Camping, led some to believe it was and regrettably they quit their jobs and sold their homes.

At the end of the day, people are responsible for reading the Bible for themselves, which clearly states, Jesus will return to earth one day, but no one but God knows the day or the hour. To those that believed Camping’s false prophecy, cheer up. God still loves you. To Camping, while the Lord does love you as well, you need to ask Him for forgiveness for leading some people astray.

Regarding the press, some where quite disrespectful in the lead up and aftermath of this story. People who speak sensibly about Christianity, the largest religion in America and the world, they don’t want on mainstream TV, because Hollywood is a depraved, modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. But those that err in the faith with false pronouncements, they make the lead story. How biased and unprofessional.

Some news and pop culture personalities kept making jokes about the story. But there is nothing funny about it, because, as stated above, some quit their jobs and sold their possessions. Mocking the faith is not going to make it any less real. Billions believe in Jesus Christ. God is still God and we shall all face Him one day. Better to face Him as a friend, rather than a facetious foe.