Saturday, May 21, 2011

Scientists: TSA Airport Radiation Doses Are Inaccurate

(Photo Credit: Design Bot Creative)

This week a group of scientists came forward to contend, despite the claims of the Transportation Security Administration, that their full body X-ray scanners at airports are safe, they could pose a danger to the health of passengers, namely cancer. Scientists are accusing the White House of a cover-up in denying them access to data on the scanners, while releasing documents so heavily redacted, they cannot make sense of them.

It has been revealed, the basis for measuring the radiation emitted from the scanning machines are scientifically inaccurate and unreliable. It was also discovered each dose of radiation is constantly changing, not rendering a fix result.

This concurs with what the Judiciary Report first stated on February 2, 2010, regarding the scanners placing flyers at an increased risk of cancer. In all the governments claims of the scanners effectiveness in detecting bombs and incendiary devices, there are items such as the highly potent plastique, which evade detection.


Radiation Concerns Regarding Airport Scanning

The FBI Continues To Break The Law


Scientists Cast Doubt on TSA Tests of Full-Body Scanners

ProPublica, May 16, 2011, 2:11 p.m. - The Transportation Security Administration says its full-body X-ray scanners are safe and that radiation from a scan is equivalent to what's received in about two minutes of flying. The company that makes them says it's safer than eating a banana.

But some scientists with expertise in imaging and cancer say the evidence made public to support those claims is unreliable. And in a new letter sent to White House science adviser John Holdren, they question why the TSA won't make the scanners available for independent testing by outside scientists...

But the letter to the White House science adviser, signed by five professors at University of California, San Francisco, and one at Arizona State University, points out several flaws in the tests. Studies published in scientific journals in the last few months have also cast doubt on the radiation dose and the machines' ability to find explosives...