Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hollywood Glamorizes The Mafia At Kids Expense

The Sopranos

Hollywood and its component, the music industry, are known for having their financial feet in mafia coffers, as they have funded a number of tinseltown and record label projects. As a result, over the years, they have and continue to, glamorize the violent, brutal and unethical lifestyle of the mafia, as though it is something to be proud of, when it is not. Hollywood and the music industry have done this at the expense of impressionable teens and kids, which deserves the strongest rebuke and denunciation.

Shows such as the "Sopranos" and movies like "Scarface" "Goodfellas" and the forthcoming "Gotti" biopic, glorify violence, hate, misogyny, promiscuous sex and thievery. A number of music albums have done the same. Youth, whose minds are like sponges, take in this so-called entertainment and attempt to emulate it to their detriment. However, it is not cool when they get killed or arrested for trying to behave like a criminal character on television or wax.


Princess Diana Film Director: Hollywood Films Are Funded By The Mafia

The Music Industry And The Mafia

Name That Pop Star...Laundering Money For the Mafia

Anthony Pellicano’s Mafia Ties

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