Friday, May 20, 2011

Cornel West Denounces President Obama

Professor Cornel West and President Barack Obama

Prominent African-American Princeton professor, Dr. Cornel West, has publicly denounced U.S. President, Barack Obama, for becoming, “A black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.” Sadly, this is true.

West went on to state, “Where is the Democratic accountability on the Wall Street oligarchs and corporate oligarchs?… Geithner and Company tied to Wall Street? That is not encouraging at all.” Again, this is true.

Obama has sold his soul in allowing corporate interests to gouge and pillage the poor in America. He has been complicit in the terrible financial abuses, while letting rich criminals run free. Obama has publicly embraced corporate criminals, in exchange for massive campaign donations for his reelection bid, not realizing that money shall be worthless to that end, if the people, everyday people, fail to back him over brazen corruption. You think about that - what good will that campaign money do, when people decide we saw what you did and will not vote for you.

West is correct, as Obama has forsaken what is right and ethical, in favor of Wall Street and Hollywood corporations donations. He is treading a very treacherous path to being voted out in 2012 and will have no one but himself to blame for that disgraceful conclusion to his time as President.

Obama also needs to stop playing the race card with the black community, to keep us reeled in, while he sells out the rights and interests of the poor and middle class, to greedy corporate titans. People are suffering under the current economic climate, both black and white and there is nothing amusing or good about that.


Cornel West Blasts Obama’s Failure to ‘Fight’ Wall Street Criminals

Cornel West yanks Obama’s credentials as a black man

Thank You Cornel West