Barack Obama
Why are U.S. President Barack Obama's policies failing? Because they are not practical. They are expensive, non-priority and prideful. President Obama's obsession with solar power and clean energy has been very costly, as studies have shown, it takes more money to produce electricity and gas in this manner.
President Obama's financial initiatives also lack proper oversight. Money has been thrown all over the place in corporate America and most of it has been hoarded, rather than pumped back into the struggling economy. Regrettably, the President is not being practical or prudent.
When something does not work in political office or the corporate world, one has to possess the resilience to quickly move on to something else. However, President Obama is in denial. As a result of this refusal to accept the current state of the economy and the failures that have sprung from his presidency, the necessary adjustments are not being made to remedy the costly mistakes and wrong turns. Modern translation = brain freeze.
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