Rupert Murdoch
On October 17, 2005, I filed a formal complaint with the Metropolitan Police in London, regarding Madonna and the British based company News Group Newspapers, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, illegally wiretapping me and hacking into my computers, using items from said unlawful surveillance for their publications.
They repeatedly engaged in the aforementioned misconduct to steal scoops and exclusives from my columns, before they were published online each day and to pry into items I privately discussed over the telephone with politically and musically connected people.
You guys that read my sites regularly have witnessed the way it works. I print a scoop or exclusive, wait for the brown stuff to hit the fan, the truth comes out, proving my claims true and correct, then I place the item on the exclusives page and case closed. The Sound Off Column and the Judiciary Report have gained a lot of readers due to said exclusives being timely and accurate.
The Metropolitan Police told me over the phone in 2005 that because I reside on U.S. soil, they would be unable to pursue the case, as it falls under the FBI's jurisdiction. However, they also informed me "Don't hold your breath" regarding "the FBI" as they "only pursue cases" with significant "financial" damages.
Ironically, the Metropolitan Police took the tip from my formal complaint in 2005 and six months later in the summer of 2006, they arrested people from the very company I complained of and sued, News Group Newspapers, for illegally wiretapping and hacking the Royal Family and several other individuals.
Other people in the entertainment industry hired lawyers when they heard of the arrests, to probe if they were hacked and illegally wiretapped as well. Turns out, Mr. Murdoch and News Group Newspapers, invaded the privacy of hundreds of people.
This week, after six years, News Corp's subsidiary, News Group Newspapers, publicly apologized to their victims for criminally invading their privacy, as more of their employees have been arrested in connection with the case. It takes a sick set of minds to sit around and conspire, "Hey let's wiretap and hack a whole bunch of people in politics and the entertainment industry, then publish the illegally obtained items from the unlawful spying, as scoops and exclusives in our newspapers and on our websites."
But that's exactly what happened and I told the truth from the very beginning and have been proven right. Small consolation, as the FBI swept the matter under the rug, in exchange for a bribe Madonna issued to its director, Robert S. Mueller.
Ironically, items I said and gave the FBI during a 2005 interview, in addition to excerpts from my websites, were used VERBATIM in the criminal trial of Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, but I was denied justice, due to the bribe Madonna issued Mueller. How dishonorable and corrupt.
One of my most reliable sources that has provided many of my exclusives, informed me Mueller took a million dollar bribe to not pursue charges against her for the laundry list of crimes she committed against me, which include, but are not limited to, commissioned illegal wiretapping, hacking, harassment and criminal copyright infringement.
Regarding News Corp and its chairman, Rupert Murdoch, he had a much greater role in this entire scandal in Britain and America than he is admitting. I know for a fact people's private computer documents, emails, telephone calls and messages (transcripts) crossed his desk and he publicly utilized them for personal gain, all in violation of the law in several countries. However, because he is a billionaire with a newspaper and television empire, he has bought his way out of trouble and prison, which is corrupt.
But word of warning, you cross me again and invade my privacy once more and you're not going to like what I publish about you to the millions of people that read my sites. Yes, you have newspaper ink. But I have internet ink, which can be just as dangerous to anyone breaking the law as you are doing. You've been warned.
News admits guilt over phone taps
Newspaper apologises for phone hacking
Royal phone hacking scandal: News International 'admits liability'
News of the World faces rush of phone hack claims
Sienna Miller: still suing over tabloid phone hack
News International statement on News of the World phone hacking
Mea culpa that reaches right to the very top
News International offers £15 million payout for phone hacking