Saturday, March 5, 2011

Poll: Obama Has Lost The Christian Vote

Barack Obama

The next U.S. Presidential election is a year and a half away and a recent poll reveals, Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama, has overwhelmingly lost the Christian vote. This is not good news for Obama.

The American majority is Christian, by an overwhelming margin. Therefore, this does not bode well for any reelection bid he may seek to mount. The President is getting some very bad advice in Washington from his peers and they are leading him down the wrong path.

President Obama pushing for gay marriage was the last straw for many Christians, as the Bible expressly forbids it. Some had already withdrawn their support when Obama reversed the stem cell ban (the destructive experimentation on baby embryos). While others decided not to vote for him again, after he repealed "Don't Ask Don't Tell" regarding gays "openly serving in the military." It shall affect "cohesion" in the military as studies suggests.

Many heterosexual soldiers are uncomfortable showering and sleeping in the same quarters with "openly" gay servicemen and women, believing their private parts are constantly being stared at and lusted after.

When gays served in the military, but not "openly" there was no concern and worry in this regard, which is the last thing soldiers needed weighing on their minds, when they are fighting in life and death situations. Gay activists just don't get that and I predict there is going to be a deterioration in the U.S. military over this issue.


Poll: Obama Loses Entire Evangelical Community (94% Unfavorable)


The American Church Withdraws Its Support From Obama Over Gay Marriage

Scholar: Bible Contains Barack Obama's Name As Satan