Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oprah Winfrey Fired Cousin For Talking About Jesus Too Much

Oprah Winfrey

Talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, lured her highly educated cousin, Jo Baldwin, who is also a minister, away from a potential editorial job at Ebony magazine, only to fire her for, "Talking about Jesus too much." That's discrimination. Winfrey has made some strange proclamations about Jesus that did not sit well with Christians. Immediately after doing so, her ratings began to tank.

Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama have been pushing for gay marriage in America, which ahs been repeatedly voted down by the populace

Rather than thanking the Lord for her success, Winfrey turned to the Hollywood way of hostility to all things Christian, including its adherents. For someone that preaches tolerance to her audiences (regarding gays), she sure missed the mark when it comes to 3/4ths of America's population - Christians. Winfrey constantly berates people for being intolerant to gays, which many believe she is, only to be abusive to Christians on and off air.

Jo Baldwin

I don't respect that. I don't believe anyone should be abused, gay or straight - and one must respect others religious views and not try to punish them for it, which is the Hollywood way of doing things. That tinsel town act is wearing pretty thin and is going to see a serious global backlash.


Oprah Denies The Faith