Nobel PEACE Prize winner, Barack Obama is a war criminal, as thousands lay dead in Libya, after military strikes he ordered.
The Obama Administration is spearheading a war in Libya, using the same premise former President, George W. Bush did to invade the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq in 2003. As the Drudge Report website reminded the world last week:
MARCH 19, 2011 - OBAMA: 'Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world'...
MARCH 19, 2003 - BUSH: 'American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger'..."
Washington is being accused of waging war for oil again, failing to learn from past mistakes (Iraq). A number of nations have condemn the Obama ordered military strike on Libya, attributing it to greed for oil, which will be stolen.
A congressman from President Obama's political party, Democrat, Ed Markey, has also stated, "We're in Libya because of oil." This is undoubtedly a repeat of Iraq and it shall not end well. America cannot afford another war, not in lives or money. Not to mention the damage it does to the target nation.
It is being stated one of Gadhafi’s sons, Khamis, has been killed in the Obama orchestrated bombings. Khamis Gadhafi, reportedly sustained severe burns to his body. When a large mass of skin is severely burned, the body’s immune system is open to infection, which can lead to death. In the Bush ordered war on Iraq, Saddam Hussein's sons were also killed in bombings.
The government invades a foreign country, kills people and puts it on display, like the head of animal mounted on a wall after the hunt. President Obama calling for this madness is so disappointing and disgraceful. Look what it has already turned into, in a matter of days.
Libyans burying their relatives in mass graves, who are civilians killed in Obama led bombings (Getty)
Another report indicates, the Obama Administration bombed Gadhafi’s home, then ludicrously claimed they were not targeting him. This insulted the public’s intelligence, as it was an assassination attempt, much in the manner of what transpired against Saddam Hussein, when former President, George W. Bush, ordered the bombing of his palaces.
The Judiciary Report is not in favor of the Obama Administration’s actions in Libya. Thousands of civilians and rebels have already died in the face of this awful sneak attack in Libya. Make no mistake, these are war crimes.
In the September 7, 2009 article Britain, Obama And Hillary Clinton Knew, the Judiciary Report expressed extreme skepticism at then British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, embracing the Gadhafi family in Britain as they did. It has nothing to do with them being Muslim. Once again, there are many Muslims that have acclimated into British society.
However, Gadhafi, is and always has been, an extremist, but I suspect his oil rich nation’s national resources, drove former Prime Minister Blair and Brown’s decisions. Roughly one year after the Judiciary Report's article, Gadhafi proved the website right, by calling for jihad against the West (Kadhafi Calls For Jihad). This conduct was very inappropriate, as is his family's lavish lifestyle, while Libyans go hungry.
In 2009, the Judiciary Report, also denounced the release of convicted Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, warning he would outlive the cancer prognosis his doctors rendered and he has by two years and counting (David Cameron Meets With Barack Obama).
David Cameron Meets With Barack Obama
Britain, Obama And Hillary Clinton Knew
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