Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Whining About Doing Time For The Crime

Lindsay Lohan and her number one enabler, mother Dina Lohan

According to TMZ, former actress, Lindsay Lohan, is whining about going back to jail, under a proposed plea deal with Los Angeles prosecutors in her grand theft case. You would think she'd have enough practice to be used to it by now, due to the number of times she's been arrested, but apparently not.

However, Lohan thinks she is better than others, above the law and should not do time for the crime. This mentality will continue to get her into trouble and fail her in life. People with a healthy respect for the law and consequences usually stay out of trouble. In all Lohan's run-ins with the police and court system, she still has not learned this vital lesson.

Lohan struggling with cocaine nose

The worst part is, she is reveling in this negative attention, when she should be ashamed. She strolls into court posing for the cameras, rather than showing remorse for her many misdeeds. It does not endear the public to her. The paparazzi are not there because they love her. They are there because it is a paycheck watching and chronicling the freak show crash and burn.


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