Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Seen Stealing On Surveillance Tape

Lindsay Lohan

Surveillance tapes from the Kamofie & Company jewelry store in Venice Beach, California, show Hollywood trainwreck and Kabbalah cult member, Lindsay Lohan, stealing a "one of a kind" $2,500 necklace and leaving the store. Her actions were premeditated and she acted with the intent to steal. Lohan is lying via claims she simply "borrowed" the necklace.


She is a crazy person. No one in their right mind goes into a store, takes a $2,5000 necklace and went caught tells the public "I was borrowing it." Criminals who use this willfully deceitful excuse, need to remember the meaning of the word "borrow" and that it implies consent from the property holder.

Lindsay Lohan sporting stolen necklace, consistently wanders around free with the expressions of a paranoid schizophrenic

Lohan is a paranoid schizophrenic, thanks to Kabbalah. She should not be free to roam about, as she is poses a danger to the public. It's only a matter of time before she escalates her criminal conduct to something worse, as history has shown with schizophrenics, which could cause permanent injury to a member of the public. She should be in a facility for the criminally insane.


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