This week, U.S. congressman, Ron Paul, brought up a key point in Congress on Wikileaks, which the Judiciary Report previously did as well (Wikileaks A Wake Up Call For Washington). The Justice Department in Washington cannot feasibly charge Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, with "treason" for leaking classified U.S. documents, as he is not an American. Glad someone else sees this fact. The Justice Department needs to look up the meaning of the word "treason" and stop embarrassing itself.
Legally and geographically, Assange's loyalties do not lay with America, as he is an Australian. Therefore, how could he have committed treason or be charged with it. Prosecuting Assange shall be very difficult, as he did what the FBI, CIA and Pentagon do on a regular basis, against other world governments and citizens on foreign shores.
He was given information and he disclosed it as he saw fit. However, it was not done for profit and did not devalue anyone's property, making it an economic crime. He exposed criminal activity, some of which contains human atrocities in the Middle East.
President Barack Obama
Obama's Justice Department, run by Attorney General, Eric Holder, are about to deliver another terrible blow to his presidency in legally pursuing Assange, when the leaked documents indicate the real criminals are in his cabinet in Washington. A legal opinion published by the Congressional Research Service indicates, such a prosecution is unprecedented and shall fail. However, clearly CRS underestimates the Justice Department, as Holder is not above corrupting a judge.
One has to wonder, is pursuing Assange worth further damage to the government's name. Thus far, the nation and the world has seen a whistleblower framed and locked up on fabricated charges, brought on by political pressure applied to a foreign government, storied American companies threatened by Washington into terminating services that were appropriately provided to an organization (Wikileaks) and phony stories planted in the press by Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder, in trying to save their corrupt butts. The criminality going into the frame up and cover-up is almost as corrupt as the misconduct in the leaked cables.
Note to the Justice Department And State Department: You are aware the whole world is wathcing you do this and people are appalled? Just checking, because you're acting like crazed, desperate, out of control people on a undemocratic mission to get at a target at any cost, even if it means the nation's name. Furthermore, you're doing it in vain, as detaining Assange hasn't stopped the leaks. You're only riling up his supporters, some of whom have advanced copies of forthcoming files.
Ron Paul Wikileaks Defense