Eric Holder
Attorney General, Eric Holder, flat out lied to the world yesterday in stating, the government did not put pressure on companies such as Visa, Mastercard, Pay Pal and Amazon, among others, to discontinue services to the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, over very embarrassing classified documents the outfit published to the world.
Representatives from a few of the companies concerned, came forward stating they bowed to political pressure and terminated Wikileaks accounts. The original government whistle blower, Daniel Ellsberg, has supported Wikileaks and recently stated, the dirty tactics being used against its founder, Julian Assange, were employed against him as well during the Watergate scandal.
One thing's for sure, the government corruption playbook on how to neutralize innocent people that uncover and won't stand for criminal wrongdoing has not changed and is as evil as ever. It is usually a full on criminal attack on the innocent target's home, mortgage, job/business, family, personal life, health and life.
It is a disgusting and appalling campaign, featuring a government and corporate cabal of criminal conduct that would make the devil blush. It is going to break Washington beyond redemption one day if the government does not stop practicing said neutralization scheme against innocent people. Washington is going to pull that on the wrong person one day and face stunning and irrevocable international sanctions world history will never forget. As usual, the government never knows when to quit.
U.S. says did not pressure companies on Wikileaks
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday that the U.S. government had not pressured companies to stop working with the WikiLeaks website, which has released sensitive U.S. diplomatic and military documents.
"We have not pressured anybody to do anything," Holder said at a news conference in San Francisco when asked if the government had tried to influence companies, including, which quit hosting the WikiLeaks site...
" Inc. forced WikiLeaks to stop using the U.S. company's computers to distribute embarrassing State Department communications and other documents, WikiLeaks said Wednesday. Paypal was first to move last Friday blocking transfers, overnight its executive Osama Bedier explained quite clearly that they'd received pressure from the United States Government..."