Friday, August 6, 2010

Obama Falling Behind In The Polls Again

U.S. President Barack Obama

Just a year ago, U.S. President Barack Obama, was on top of the world. He was newly elected and living a rock star Presidency. Fast forward one year and he has made so many wrong turns, people are vociferously crying impeachment.

It is flabbergasting what Obama's spending has done to the national deficit. He has failed to raise taxes on the rich and implement a proper job creation plan, which would have gone a long way towards turning the economy around. All this money is going out of the U.S. Treasury and very little is coming in by comparison, which promotes national bankruptcy.

The American dream has been destroyed by greedy bankers and corporate vultures that pillaged the public for all they could take and the U.S. Congress has failed to adequately rein them in. The banks and credit card companies have not learned their lesson.

The polls are reflecting the pain the American people are feeling everyday, with Obama hitting new lows. Things are still bad. Obama has roughly 2-years to turn his presidency around. If he fails to do so, he will be a one term president, labeled in world history as the one that spent all the people's money.