Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gay JetBlue Flight Attendant Charged Over Meltdown

Steven Slater...maybe able to plead insanity with that picture

Steven Slater, the gay JetBlue flight attendant that flipped out after a passenger accidentally hit him with a bag and profanity, has been charged with reckless endangerment and criminal mischief.

While I do not agree with the gay lifestyle, for religious reasons, dude sliding down the plane chute was so camp it made me cry from laughing too hard. I keep picturing a gay man sliding down the inflatable slide saying "wee!" Seriously, yesterday, I laughed until I cried reading about that story.

Slater's lawyer has basically admitted liability, while also blaming the passenger that provoked the incident. However, in Slater's defense, he could have argued, the passenger violated the law in disobeying flight crew's orders.

In doing so, the passenger's refusal to sit until the plane came to a complete halt, ended in Slater accidentally being hit on the head with a piece of luggage, with enough force it drew blood and caused trauma. That blow to the head really may have affected him. He went berserk, then AWOL right after.

It is clear he had a meltdown. Under the circumstances, no one deserves a prison sentence for this. However, he should be made to pay financial restitution for the chute, inconvenience to other passengers, whose flights were delayed, the police having to bring him in and for the two beers he nicked. What, he can take two beers, but on the plane they only give passengers one soda - I think not!

Dude, next time, that is if there is a next time, use your head (no, not literally like yesterday). Call security regarding unruly passengers. Do not go into meltdown mode. And remember, an airplane chute is not Six Flags.

Side Bar: one thing he should be arrested for...is that outfit (restaurant or not). Somebody call the fashion police. That shirt does not go with that hat. Someone saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" one too many times.

Note to Slater: Snooki called and she wants her tan back. Some white people are really embracing the orange movement (just kidding).


Gay Flight Attendant Goes Berserk On JetBlue Flight