Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fantasia Seeks To Marry Already Married Boyfriend


The Fantasia Barrino scandal continues to plumb new lows, as the singer has made her brazen intentions known, regarding married man, Antwaun Cook and her desire to wed him. Barrino has destroyed his marriage, knowing two little kids are involved. Barrino continues to taunt his long suffering wife, Paula Cook, via distasteful, vulgar songs about sleeping with her husband. Fantasia is also exploiting the scandal for publicity, to aid her floundering reality show and forthcoming album, which deserve to be boycotted.

Paula Cook, stated through her attorney, Tamela Wallace, "She is saddened and disheartened by the end of her marriage. She's embarrassed, and humiliated and distressed by the lack of respect that was shown for her marriage by Ms. Barrino. She wanted nothing more than to have a happy husband and her children. And she's not been able to do that. The only mistake she made was marrying a man who Ms. Barrino felt like she was entitled to have. She is having to defend her marriage, when she didn't ask for this."

Antwaun Cook on bike Fantasia bought him

The Judiciary Report is of the belief, Mrs. Cook, should seek legal remedy under North Carolina's "Alienation of Affection" laws and sue Fantasia. Cook's life and that of her two children, have been negatively altered by Barrino's appalling conduct. She has been exposed to a publicized scandal, not of her own making, with the deterioration of her marriage playing out in the public arena.

The Bible says "Pride goes before a fall" and it is clear, arrogant Fantasia is going to find this out the hard way. You don't hurt and damage other people in life, flaunting your cruelty in their face, whilst setting a horrible example for the public and not be made to pay a price for it by God.

Antwaun's pretty wife, Paula Cook

Fantasia is crazily behaving like Paula Cook is her sworn enemy that has done something to her, when the wife is the victim, not the abusive "American Idol" singer, who ingested pills for attention and publicity, clearly having mental health problems. There is nothing respectable about Fantasia's unrepentant conduct.

It's amazing that everyone but Fantasia, down to her family, can see Cook does not love her. Being a celebrity tends to fool many people. They start to believe they can do no wrong and are entitled to whatever they want, even people and things that belong to others.